Title of Work: I See Light Medium: Archival Pigment Print

Title of Work: I See Light
Medium: Archival Pigment Print

I See Light

Light from the vast universe, 
through the darkness of endless space,
Light from creation, the origin of time itself, 
penetrates the earth's atmosphere. 
Here it comes ---
Through crystals suspended on threads
from the center sill of my friend's kitchen window. 
it travels to the surface of her refrigerator. 
Light waves/light particles, visible/invisible
bent and separated into distinct wavelengths, 
energies and colors: 
ultra violet, violet, blue, green,yellow, orange, red, 
unseen infrared, microwaves, radio waves and x-rays. 
Amazing rays are discovered and appreciated
with wonderment by my own eye, 
an extraordinary system of rod-cone sensors, 
transparent living lenses, and neuronal architecture. 
My brain decodes the color and creates
a unique rainbow perception of it all. 
Recorded here with my camera and etched in memory, 
Is evidence of Divine Presence in the beauty of light.